General Information
Textbooks are the property of CCA. Students are required to have textbooks covered by the end of the first week of school. Books are not to be covered with “sticky” material. In cases of textbook abuse, including torn pages, worn covers, markings, etc. the student will be charged to replace the textbook. Students who do not return textbooks or have book fees due will not receive their final report card until fees are paid or books are returned. Damage and replacement fees are as follows:
Lost books: $ cost of book
Damaged (written in): $5.00
Damaged (stained/wet or broken spine): $ cost of book -
Student Birthdays
Parents are to make arrangements with their child’s teacher for birthday party presentations.
Field Trips
Field trips are an enhancement to the overall curriculum program. All students participate in field trips. On the day of a field trip students are required to report to school at the start of the school day. Normally, parents are asked to help defray the cost of field trips. Refunds cannot be given after the final reservations have been made for the trip. At least 4 weeks in advance a permission slip will be sent home with details of the trip. Students must have a signed permission slip in order to attend any trip.
Lost and Found
Student’s personal belongings are to be marked with the child’s name. Items found on school property will be placed in the “Lost and Found” in the main office. Unclaimed items will be disposed of quarterly. CCA is not responsible or liable for any personal items that are lost, broken, or stolen.
Cell Phones and Electronic Accessories
Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other personal electronic accessories during the school day. Phones/smart watches are turned in daily to the classroom teacher and returned at the end of the day. CCA is not liable for lost, stolen, or broken phones or other electronic accessories brought to school.
Parent-Teacher Conferences and Communication
We believe the home and school are partners in the education and development of children. Teachers and parents should regularly communicate with one another. A “Wednesday Folder” is sent home with students on Wednesday of each week. Correspondence and school information is included in the folder.
Parent and Teacher conferences are held formally twice a year at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters.
Parents can schedule appointments at other times with teachers or administrators to address concerns. Please call teachers or administrators during school business hours to schedule a parent-teacher meeting or to visit in the classrooms. It is mandatory that an administrator or another faculty member is present during any meeting between a teacher or staff member and a parent(s). Notes will be taken during the meeting and action plans created if necessary.
Parent Visitation and Conduct
For security purposes, parents and visitors are required to report to the Main Office to receive a visitor’s pass before proceeding anywhere on school grounds. Teachers are to be informed prior to any parent visit. Any parent/visitor without a visitor’s pass will be directed by faculty or staff to go to the office for a visitor’s pass. No parents or visitors are permitted in buildings or classroom without a pass.
As a Responsive Classroom School there are a set of principles that serve as the behavior expectations for everyone in the school community, including teachers, staff, volunteers, parents, and family members:
Respect and Celebrate Yourself
Respect and Celebrate Other
Come to School Prepared and Willing to Learn
Keep our Environment Safe and CleanAdherence to these principles forbids yelling, bullying, the use of profanity, and/or the use of verbal threats. A blatant show of disrespect for others or for school property may result in the immediate dismissal from school property and/or student expulsion.